Write a program that reads numbers from the user until a blank line is entered. Your program should display the average of all of the values entered by the user. Then the program should display all of the below average values, followed by all of the average values (if any), followed by all of the above average values. An appropriate label should be displayed before each list of values.
Python program to take input while blank line
and prints recursive total
# This function takes input recurrsively until it finds blank line and gives total of all numbers
def recursiveUntilBlank():
inp = raw_input() # Get the input
if inp == : # If it is a blank line...
return 0.0
else: # recurssive call and add value in previous result
return float(inp) + recursiveUntilBlank()
# declare main function
Program that reads numbers from the user until a blank line is entered. Your program should display the average of all of the values entered by the user. Then the program should display all of the below average values, followed by all of the average values (if any), followed by all of the above average values. An appropriate label should be displayed before each list of values.
print("Input some integers to calculate their average. Input 0 to exit.")
count = 0
sum = 0.0
number = 1
while number != 0:
number = float(input(""))
sum+ = numbers
count += 1
if count == 0:
print("Input some numbers")
print("Average of the above numbers are: ", sum / (count-1), sum)
Input some integers to calculate their average. Input 0 to exit
Average of the above numbers are: 10.75555555555555
Here the average of the given number = sum of elements ÷ number of elements
In the first iteration of the program it takes the number value as 1
if the given number is not equal to 0 the the while block is executed or else the else block is executed
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