Write a program to accept the corresponding data to print the result of the following expression y = ax^2+bx+c
Let's start from the basics..
We cannot just ask python to solve a whole quadratic equation in its own! We will have to give it instructions.
To solve this, we will be using the quadratic formula by taking the inputs for a,b and c.
Now, let's take inputs for the 3 numbers.
a,b,c = float(input('Enter a:')), float(input('Enter b:')),float(input('Enter c:'))
Now, we will take one value for the operation under the root and give it a name so that we can utilize it after in the program.
import math #We will need math to work with square roots
sqrt_part = (math.sqrt((b**2) - (4*a*c)))
Now, we will have two programs, one for the + and the other for the -.
answer1 = ( -b + sqrt_part) / (2*a)
answer2 = ( -b - sqrt_part ) / ( 2 * a)
We know have both the answers.
#If there are no complex numbers -- no 'i'/√-1
a,b,c = float(input('Enter a:')), float(input('Enter b:')),float(input('Enter c:'))
import math #We will need math to work with square roots
sqrt_part = (math.sqrt((b**2) - (4*a*c)))
answer1 = ( -b + sqrt_part) / (2*a)
answer2 = ( -b - sqrt_part ) / ( 2 * a)
print(answer1, answer2)
#If there are complex number, we use cmath instead of math (complex math)
a,b,c = float(input('Enter a:')), float(input('Enter b:')),float(input('Enter c:'))
import cmath
sqrt_part = (cmath.sqrt((b**2) - (4*a*c)))
answer1 = ( -b + sqrt_part) / (2*a)
answer2 = ( -b - sqrt_part ) / ( 2 * a)
print(answer1, answer2)
class prog1
void main (int a ,int b,int c,int x)
double y;
y = a*(Math.pow(x,2))+b*x+c;
System.out.println("value of y="+y);