Write a program to calculate roots of quadratic equation
program to find roots of a quadratic equation
int main() { int a, b, c, d; double root1, root2;
printf("Enter a, b and c where a*x*x + b*x + c = 0\n"); scanf("%d%d%d", &a, &b, &c);
printf("First root = %.2lf\n", root1); printf("Second root = %.2lf\n", root2); }
I've used Python Programming Language.
The following codes will have to be typed in script mode, saved and then executed.
print("The general form of an equation is ax**2 + bx + c.")
a = int(input("Enter a coefficient for 'a':"))
b = int(input("Enter a coefficient for 'b':"))
c = int(input("Enter a coefficient for 'c':"))
print(a, "x**2 +", b, "x +", c, "is your obtained equation.")
d = b**2 - 4*a*c
if d >= 0:
print("The roots are REAL and UNEQUAL.")
root1 = (-b + (d)**(1/2)/2*a)
print(root1, "is one root of the equation.")
root2 = (-b - (d)**(1/2)/2*a)
print(root2, "is another root of the equation.")
print("Therefore,", root1, "and", root2, "are the roots.")
elif d == 0:
print("The roots are REAL and EQUAL.")
root1 = (-b + (d)**(1/2)/2*a)
print(root1, "is one root of the equation.")
root2 = (-b - (d)**(1/2)/2*a)
print(root2, "is another root of the equation.")
print("Therefore,", root1, "and", root2, "are the roots.")
print("No real roots exist.")
print("The roots are IMAGINARY.")
root1 = (-b + (d)**(1/2)/2*a)
print(root1, "is one root of the equation.")
root2 = (-b - (d)**(1/2)/2*a)
print(root2, "is another root of the equation.")
print("Therefore,", root1, "and", root2, "are the roots.")