Write a program to calculate simple interest and compound interest not in c++
Sample Input
Enter the value of Principal p = 1000
Enter the value of Rate r = 12
Enter the value of Period in year n = 2
Sample Output
Simple Interest SI=240.000000
Compound Interest CI=254.400
include<stdio.h>#include<math.h>int main()
include<stdio.h>#include<math.h>int main(){
include<stdio.h>#include<math.h>int main(){ float p,q,r,SI,CI;
include<stdio.h>#include<math.h>int main(){ float p,q,r,SI,CI; int n;
include<stdio.h>#include<math.h>int main(){ float p,q,r,SI,CI; int n; printf("Enter the value of Principal p = ");
include<stdio.h>#include<math.h>int main(){ float p,q,r,SI,CI; int n; printf("Enter the value of Principal p = "); scanf("%f",&p);
include<stdio.h>#include<math.h>int main(){ float p,q,r,SI,CI; int n; printf("Enter the value of Principal p = "); scanf("%f",&p); printf("Enter the value of Rate r = ");
include<stdio.h>#include<math.h>int main(){ float p,q,r,SI,CI; int n; printf("Enter the value of Principal p = "); scanf("%f",&p); printf("Enter the value of Rate r = "); scanf("%f",&r);
include<stdio.h>#include<math.h>int main(){ float p,q,r,SI,CI; int n; printf("Enter the value of Principal p = "); scanf("%f",&p); printf("Enter the value of Rate r = "); scanf("%f",&r); printf("Enter the value of Period in year n = ");
include<stdio.h>#include<math.h>int main(){ float p,q,r,SI,CI; int n; printf("Enter the value of Principal p = "); scanf("%f",&p); printf("Enter the value of Rate r = "); scanf("%f",&r); printf("Enter the value of Period in year n = "); scanf("%d",&n);
include<stdio.h>#include<math.h>int main(){ float p,q,r,SI,CI; int n; printf("Enter the value of Principal p = "); scanf("%f",&p); printf("Enter the value of Rate r = "); scanf("%f",&r); printf("Enter the value of Period in year n = "); scanf("%d",&n); SI = ((p*r*n)/100);
include<stdio.h>#include<math.h>int main(){ float p,q,r,SI,CI; int n; printf("Enter the value of Principal p = "); scanf("%f",&p); printf("Enter the value of Rate r = "); scanf("%f",&r); printf("Enter the value of Period in year n = "); scanf("%d",&n); SI = ((p*r*n)/100); printf("Simple Interest SI=%f \n",SI);
include<stdio.h>#include<math.h>int main(){ float p,q,r,SI,CI; int n; printf("Enter the value of Principal p = "); scanf("%f",&p); printf("Enter the value of Rate r = "); scanf("%f",&r); printf("Enter the value of Period in year n = "); scanf("%d",&n); SI = ((p*r*n)/100); printf("Simple Interest SI=%f \n",SI); q = 1+(r/100);
include<stdio.h>#include<math.h>int main(){ float p,q,r,SI,CI; int n; printf("Enter the value of Principal p = "); scanf("%f",&p); printf("Enter the value of Rate r = "); scanf("%f",&r); printf("Enter the value of Period in year n = "); scanf("%d",&n); SI = ((p*r*n)/100); printf("Simple Interest SI=%f \n",SI); q = 1+(r/100); CI=p*pow(q,n)-p;
include<stdio.h>#include<math.h>int main(){ float p,q,r,SI,CI; int n; printf("Enter the value of Principal p = "); scanf("%f",&p); printf("Enter the value of Rate r = "); scanf("%f",&r); printf("Enter the value of Period in year n = "); scanf("%d",&n); SI = ((p*r*n)/100); printf("Simple Interest SI=%f \n",SI); q = 1+(r/100); CI=p*pow(q,n)-p; printf("Compound Interest CI=%f \n",CI);
include<stdio.h>#include<math.h>int main(){ float p,q,r,SI,CI; int n; printf("Enter the value of Principal p = "); scanf("%f",&p); printf("Enter the value of Rate r = "); scanf("%f",&r); printf("Enter the value of Period in year n = "); scanf("%d",&n); SI = ((p*r*n)/100); printf("Simple Interest SI=%f \n",SI); q = 1+(r/100); CI=p*pow(q,n)-p; printf("Compound Interest CI=%f \n",CI); return 0;
include<stdio.h>#include<math.h>int main(){ float p,q,r,SI,CI; int n; printf("Enter the value of Principal p = "); scanf("%f",&p); printf("Enter the value of Rate r = "); scanf("%f",&r); printf("Enter the value of Period in year n = "); scanf("%d",&n); SI = ((p*r*n)/100); printf("Simple Interest SI=%f \n",SI); q = 1+(r/100); CI=p*pow(q,n)-p; printf("Compound Interest CI=%f \n",CI); return 0; }