Computer Science, asked by dhanesh21, 1 year ago

write a program to check whether given number is even or odd


Answered by dikshaverma4you

Hello, I am writing a C++ program for the given question. Hope it helps you.




void main()



int a;

char y,n,choice;


cout<<"Welcome to my coding world"<<endl;

cout<<"Let's calculate whether the number entered by you is odd or even"<<endl;

cout<<"Enter a number ( whole digit)"<<endl;




 cout<<a<<"is an even number"<<endl;




cout<<a<<"is an odd number"<<endl;


cout<<" Want to calculate for some other number ??"<<endl;




 goto A;








Thank You ^_^

aaravshrivastwa: Awesome answer
dikshaverma4you: Thank you
Anonymous: Superb
dikshaverma4you: Thank you
BrainlyVirat: Great answer di
dikshaverma4you: Thank you
Anonymous: u know c++ great sis ^__^ great answer too
dikshaverma4you: Thank you :)
Answered by Anonymous

Here is your answer.

I know JAVA and so I am writing a JAVA program for the given question.

Here is the code


import java.util.*;

class Odd_or_even


public void main()


Scanner sc = new Scanner (;

System.out.println("Enter a number to check whether it is even or odd");

int n=sc.nextInt();



System.out.println("Even number");




System.out.println("Odd number");






The first line of the program:

import java.util.*;          

It imports the package .util

This is helpful for doing easy and simple input output programs.


class Odd_or_even

It gives a class name.The class is a user defined datatype which helps us in creating and executing a program through various methods.


public void main()

It is a method of a class.Methods or functions are identified by {} . They open by the curly bracket { and close by the curly bracket too } The void says that main() does not return any value to any other function.


Scanner sc=new Scanner(;

This statement creates a new Scanner class.A scanner class helps in taking keyboard inputs from the user.


int n=sc.nextInt();

This is the statement that helps in taking the input. This tells the compiler that the next character is an integer type value.

Integers are numbers that maybe negative or positive but cannot be decimals



This checks whether n modulus 2 is 0 or not.

For example 2%2==0 it is true since 2%2=0

if the condition is true then the system will enter the next statement

Otherwise it will go to the else portion.


System.out.println("Even number");

This prints the statement: Even number if and only if the condition of if is satisfied.



If the condition of if statement is satisfied then the system will enter into execution of the else portion of the program.

else is only executed if n%2 is not equal to 0

for example 5%2 = 1

so it is not 0.


System.out.println("Odd number");

This prints the statement :"Odd number");

Note that the compiler would ignore the else part if the if part is true.


Important things about the program

⇒ Note that the class begins with a curly bracket and ends with one too.

Syntax of a class:





⇒The if condition and main has the same syntax too.

public void main()




⇒The if condition and else condition are also the same .









⇒The if conditions actually checks whether a number is divisible by 2 or not.

⇒The else condition does not check anything.It just prints the number is odd if the if is not satisfied. The logic  is: If the number is not even,then it must be odd, hence we don't need to check anything else.

⇒Every JAVA statement has a ; sign at the end.

This marks the end of the statement.

⇒The loops and if else conditions and the methods do not have ; sign at the end of them.





Odd number





Even number


Hope it helps you

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