Write a program to input the roll number, name, and marks in five subjects of a student. Calculate
the total marks and percentage.(write the code for the following programs using Script Mode)
roll = input("Enter your roll no : ")
name = input("Enter your name : ")
marks = []
totalMarks = input("Enter maximum marks")
for i in range(5):
mark = input("Enter marks in "+str(i+1)+"th subject")
percent = round(sum(marks)*100/totalMarks,2)
tm = sum(marks)
print("Name of the student : ",name)
print("roll no: ",roll)
print("percent obtained: ",percent)
print("marks obtained: ",tm, " / ",totalMarks)
roll = input ("Enter your roll no : ")
name = input ("Enter your name : ")
marks = [ ]
total Marks = input ("Enter maximum marks")
for 1 in range(7):
mark = input ("Enter marks in "+str(i+1)+"th subject")
percent = round(sum(marks)*100/totalMarks,2)
tm = sum(marks)
print("Name of the student : ",name)
print("roll no: ",roll)
print("percent obtained: ",percent)
print("marks obtained: ",tm, " / ",totalMarks)