Write a program using 8051 simulator to find 2's complement of a hexadecimal number
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8051 simulator to find 2's complement of a hexadecimal number
Address Mnemonics Operand Opcode Comments
2000 LHLD 3000H 2A Load HL pair
data from 3000h
2001 00
2002 30
2004 MOV A,L 7D Move the low-order
result from reg.A TO Reg.L
2005 MOV L,A 6F Move the result
from reg.L TO Reg.A
2006 MOV A,H 7C Move the higher order
from reg.H to reg.A
2007 CMA 2F compliment accumulator
2008 MOV H,A 67 Move the result
from reg.A TO Reg.H
2009 INX H 23 Increment HL pair to
find 2’s compliment
200A SHLD 3002H 22 Store the result
at address 3002H
200B 02
200C 30
200D HLT 76 HALT
Before execution:
After execution:
Program explanation:
1. This program finds the complement of 16-bit number stored in memory locations .
2. There is no direct way to find 2's complement of the 16 -bit number. Therefore, this can be accomplished by finding the 1's complement of two 8-bit numbers and then incrementing to get 2's compliment.
3. Let us assume that the operand stored at memory locations
4. The operand is loaded into pair from memory locations
5. The lower-order is moved from register to accumulator.
6. Its complement is found by using CMA instruction.
7. The result obtained is moved back to register
8. Then, the higher-order is moved from register to accumulator.
9. Its complement is found by using CMA instruction.
10. The result obtained is moved back to register
11. H-L pair is incremented to get 2's complement.
12. Now, the final result is in H-L pair.
13. The result is stored from H-L pair to memory locations