Computer Science, asked by blollglokl, 4 months ago

Write a program (Using scanner class) to input any given token word. Calculate the

total number of characters and vowels present in the token. The program also displays the

token after reversing the characters.

Sample Input: SNOWY

Sample Output

Number of vowels : 01

Number of Characters: 05

Reversed token : YWONS​


Answered by Oreki

\textsf{\large \textbf{Explanation}}

 \text{\textemdash \:\: Accepting a word using the \textbf{Scanner} class.}\\\text{\textemdash \:\: Getting the number of characters using the \texttt{length()} method of \textbf{String} class.}\\\text{\textemdash \:\: Checking the letter's presence in the String ``aeiou" to get number of vowels.}\\\text{\textemdash \:\: Revering the \textbf{String} using \textbf{StringBuilder} class.}

\texttt{\small Question appeared in Computer Applications (2005) (ICSE).}

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