Computer Science, asked by muneebamehmood0, 5 months ago

Write a program with a function volume() which accepts three sides of a cube and returns its volume. Provide a default value of 1 for all the three sides of a cube. Call this function with zero, one, two and three arguments and display the volume returned in the main().


Answered by subhoayush2007


import java util.* ;

import java util.* ;public class volume

import java util.* ;public class volume {

import java util.* ;public class volume { public static void main (string args [])

import java util.* ;public class volume { public static void main (string args []) {

import java util.* ;public class volume { public static void main (string args []) {int p , q , r , volume = 0 ;

import java util.* ;public class volume { public static void main (string args []) {int p , q , r , volume = 0 ;Scanner sc = new scanner ( ;

System.out.println ("Enter the first side of cube") ;

System.out.println ("Enter the first side of cube") ;p=sc.nextInt() ;

System.out.println ("Enter the first side of cube") ;p=sc.nextInt() ;System.out.println ("Enter second side of cube");

System.out.println ("Enter the first side of cube") ;p=sc.nextInt() ;System.out.println ("Enter second side of cube");q=sc.nextInt();

System.out.println ("Enter the first side of cube") ;p=sc.nextInt() ;System.out.println ("Enter second side of cube");q=sc.nextInt();System.out.println ("Enter third side of cube") ;

System.out.println ("Enter the first side of cube") ;p=sc.nextInt() ;System.out.println ("Enter second side of cube");q=sc.nextInt();System.out.println ("Enter third side of cube") ;r=sc.nextInt();

System.out.println ("Enter the first side of cube") ;p=sc.nextInt() ;System.out.println ("Enter second side of cube");q=sc.nextInt();System.out.println ("Enter third side of cube") ;r=sc.nextInt(); volume = p*q*r ;

System.out.println ("Enter the first side of cube") ;p=sc.nextInt() ;System.out.println ("Enter second side of cube");q=sc.nextInt();System.out.println ("Enter third side of cube") ;r=sc.nextInt(); volume = p*q*r ; System.out.println ("Volume of the cube =" + volume + "cm^3") ;

System.out.println ("Enter the first side of cube") ;p=sc.nextInt() ;System.out.println ("Enter second side of cube");q=sc.nextInt();System.out.println ("Enter third side of cube") ;r=sc.nextInt(); volume = p*q*r ; System.out.println ("Volume of the cube =" + volume + "cm^3") ; }

System.out.println ("Enter the first side of cube") ;p=sc.nextInt() ;System.out.println ("Enter second side of cube");q=sc.nextInt();System.out.println ("Enter third side of cube") ;r=sc.nextInt(); volume = p*q*r ; System.out.println ("Volume of the cube =" + volume + "cm^3") ; } }

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