Computer Science, asked by Rajputbhakti8978, 1 year ago

Write a prolog program to find the greatest common divisor of two integers


Answered by williamsclos1234


Explanation:how find hcf of 115

Answered by divya14321


The predicate =/2 is for unification, not arithmetic assignment

The expression X1 = X - Y doesn't subtract Y from X and store the result in X1. Rather, it unifies X1 with the term, -(X,Y). If, for example, X=5 and Y=3, then the result would be, X1=5-3, not X1=2. The solution is to use is/2 which assigns evaluated arithmetic expressions: X1 is X - Y.

Other predicates, besides the base case predicate, successfully match the base case

The clause, gcd(0,X,X) :- X > 0. is a reasonable base case, but it is never attempted because the second clause (gcd(X,Y,Z):- X<Y,...) will always successfully match the same conditions first, leading to infinite recursion and a stack overflow.

One way to fix this is to move the base case to the first clause, and use a cut to avoid backtracking after it successfully executes:

gcd(0, X, X):- X > 0, !.

gcd(X, Y, Z):- X >= Y, X1 is X-Y, gcd(X1,Y,Z).

gcd(X, Y, Z):- X < Y, X1 is Y-X, gcd(X1,X,Z).

This will work now:

| ?- gcd(10,6,X).

X = 2 ? ;

(1 ms) no

| ?- gcd(10,5,X).

X = 5 ? ;


(NOTE: the "no" here means no more solutions found after finding the first one)

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