English, asked by hs128275, 9 months ago

Write a proposal for the organisation of a football tournament by a football club


Answered by vijaydk24

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Answered by niveda8


Youth football development is one of the paramount objectives of any football governing body. It equips young boys and girls with football skills, and values such as friendship, respect, fair-play, competition or commitment which are put into practice through youth football competitions. Ensuring that these can take place on a regular basis is a key precondition for widespread participation in organised football and the promise of ensuring sustainable development of youth football around the globe. Unfortunately, evidence shows that at national level, football governing bodies are not always able to guarantee regular playing opportunities for several age groups and gender categories. Building upon the outcomes of the first edition of the Reflection Sessions on Global Football Development held in March 2015 in Switzerland, and the insightful input of the 13 participating contributors, this publication aims to provide suggestions to overcome this issue. This publication concludes by arguing that ensuring the regular organisation of youth football competitions should not be the sole responsibility of FIFA, the confederations or national football governing bodies. We call for collective responsibility based on openmindedness, mutual respect and fruitful partnerships. Stakeholders must pull together and acknowledge that the beneficiaries of a joint action are ultimately the youth of today.


i hope this helps you mark me a brainlist and follow me

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