Write a python program that generate four terms of an AP by providing initial and steps values to a function that returns the first four terms of the series.
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def retSeries(init, step ):
return init, init + step, init + 2 * step, init + 3 * step
ini = int(input("Enter initial value of the AP series : "))
st = int(input("Enter step value of the AP series : "))
print("Series with initial value", ini, "& step value", st, "goes as:")
t1, t2, t3, t4 = retSeries(ini, st)
print(t1, t2, t3, t4)
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This Python Sum of the A.P program is the same as the above. Here, we used While Loop to display the A.P series, which is optional.
This Python program allows the user to enter the first value, the total number of items in a series, and the common difference. Next, Python finds the sum of the Arithmetic Progression Series.

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