Computer Science, asked by sugnik11sc2020, 1 month ago

Write a Python program to accept a positive integer and find the factorial of
that number.​


Answered by SparklingThunder

 \huge  \purple{ \underline{ \boxed{ \red{ \mathbb{ANSWER : }}}}}

 \red{ \textsf{n=int(input("Enter number to find factorial : "))}}

 \red{ \textsf{fact=1}}

 \red{ \textsf{for i in range(1,n+1):}}

 \red{ \textsf{	 \:  \:  \:  \: fact=fact*i}}

 \red{ \textsf{print("Factorial of ",n,"is",fact)}}

 \large \green{ \underline{ \underline{ \mathbb{KNOW  \: MORE :}}}}

 \large\orange{ \textsf{for}}

for is the keyword in python which is used to form a loop whose definite length is known , it does not takes the last value . For example , the above loop will run till the number 'n' entered by the user and not till 'n+1' .

 \large\orange{ \textsf{print}}

print is the keyword in python programming language . It print anything which is written within it .

 \large\orange{ \textsf{input}}

input takes the input from the user in the form of string .

 \large\orange{ \textsf{int}}

int converts the input into integer form .

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