Write a Python program to accept and dispay your name, age and your favorite game.
pls tell answer step by step
my name is Arnav Shukla.
class 6 E
my age is 11 years old
my favourite game is cricket
and my favourite mobile game is free fire
Python: Display your det.ails like name, ag.e, addr.ess in three different lines
Python Basic: Exercise-37 with Solution
Write a Python program to display your det.ails like na.me, age, addr.ess in three different lines.
Pictorial Presentation:
Display your de.tails like name, ag.e, add.ress in three different lines
Sample Solution:-
Python Cod.e:
def personal_details():
name, age = "Simon", 19
address = "Bangalore, Karnataka, India"
print("Name: {}\nAge: {}\nAddre.ss: {}".format(name, age, add.ress))
Sample Output:
Name: Simon
Age: 19
Address: Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Flowchart: Display your deta.ils like name, age, addre.ss in three different lines.
hope it helps you!!