Write a python program to exchange the first half elements of the list with the second half elements assuming list having even number of elements.
By considering length of the list
Let suppose list has n elements, then we can use list[0:n/2] and list[n/2:n].
Consider the program:
If there are ODD numbers of elements in the list, program will display message "List has ODD number of elements." And exit.
# define a list
list = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60]
# get the length of the list
n = len(list)
# condition to check length is EVEN or not
# if lenght is ODD, show message and exit
if( n%2 != 0 ):
print "List has ODD number of elements."
# Create list1 with half elements (first 3 elements)
list1 = list [0:n/2]
# Create list2 with next half elements (next 3 elements)
list2 = list [n/2:n]
# print list (s)
print "list : ",list
print "list1: ",list1
print "list2: ",list2
list : [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60]
list1: [10, 20, 30]
list2: [40, 50, 60]
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In this python tutorial, we would like to share with you the following:
Write a python program to create two lists with first half and second half elements of a given list.
Python program to create two lists with first half and second half elements of a given list using range slicing.
1: Write a python program to create two lists with first half and second half elements of a given list
Define a list.
Take input how many element in list from user.
Iterate for loop and use input() function to allow user to input element.
Append elements in list by using append() method.
Hope it's helpful
Have a nice day
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