write a python program To find minimum in a list and with the proper output
Input : list1 = [10, 20, 4]
Output : 4
Input : list2 = [20, 10, 20, 1, 100]
Output : 1
Method 1 : Sort the list in ascending order and print the first element in the list.
# Python program to find smallest
# number in a list
# list of numbers
list1 = [10, 20, 4, 45, 99]
# sorting the list
# printing the first element
print("Smallest element is:", *list1[:1])
smallest element is: 4
Method 2 : Using min() method
# Python program to find smallest
# number in a list
# list of numbers
list1 = [10, 20, 1, 45, 99]
# printing the maximum element
print("Smallest element is:", min(list1))
Smallest element is: 1
Method 3 : Find min list element on inputs provided by user
# Python program to find smallest
# number in a list
# creating empty list
list1 = []
# asking number of elements to put in list
num = int(input("Enter number of elements in list: "))
# iterating till num to append elements in list
for i in range(1, num + 1):
ele= int(input("Enter elements: "))
# print maximum element
print("Smallest element is:", min(list1))
Enter number of elements in list: 4
Enter elements: 12
Enter elements: 19
Enter elements: 11
Enter elements: 99
Smallest element is: 11
Method 4: Find the smallest element in list.
# Python program to find smallest
# number in a list
l=[l for l in input("List:").split(",")]
print("The list is ",l)
# Assign first element as a minimum.
min1 = l[0]
for i in range(len(l)):
# If the other element is min than first element
if l[i] < min1:
min1 = l[i] #It will change
print("The smallest element in the list is ",min1)
List: 23,-1,45,22.6,78,100
The list is ['23', '-1', '45', '22.6', '78', '100']
The smallest element in the list is -1
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