Write a python program to find the area of square, rectangle and circle. Print the
results. Take input from user
op = input("For what shape are you trying to find the area of? Reply with "square" or "rectangle" or "circle :")
if op == "square":
side = input("side of the square(must be just a number) : ")
area = int(side) * int(side)
print(f" the area is: {area}")
elif op == "rectangle":
length = input("length of the rectangle (must be just a number): ")
breadth = input(" breadth of the rectangle:")
area = int(length) * int(breadth)
print(f" the area is: {area}")
elif op == "circle":
r = input("radius of the circle(must be just a number): ")
r2 = int(r) * 2
area = 3.14 * int(r2)
print(f" the area is: {area}")
this should work to an extent. make sure there's no Intendation or value error.
def square():
s = float(input("Enter the side of the square: "))
print("Area of square =", s * s)
def rectangle():
le = float(input("Enter the length of the rectangle: "))
b = float(input("Enter the breadth of the rectangle: "))
print("Area of the rectangle =", le * b)
def circle():
r = float(input("Enter the radius of the circle: "))
print("Area of the circle =", 3.14 * (r * r))
print("Press 1 to calculate Area of Square")
print("Press 2 to calculate Area of Rectangle")
print("Press 3 to calculate Area of Circle")
f = int(input())
if f == 1:
elif f == 2:
elif f == 3:
print("Error 404: Wrong number pressed, cannot calculate area!")