Write a Python program to input a number and check whether it is a buzz number or not.
def isBuzz(num) :
return (num % 10 == 7 or num % 7 == 0)
i = 67
j = 19
if (isBuzz(i)) :
print "Buzz Number"
else :
print "Not a Buzz Number"
if (isBuzz(j)) :
print "Buzz Number"
else :
print "Not a Buzz Number"
# Python program to check whether the
# given number is Buzz Number or not.
# function to check BUzz number.
def isBuzz(num) :
# checking if the number
# ends with 7 and is divisible by 7
return (num % 10 == 7 or num % 7 == 0)
# Driver method
i = 67
j = 19
if (isBuzz(i)) :
print "Buzz Number"
else :
print "Not a Buzz Number"
if (isBuzz(j)) :
print "Buzz Number"
else :
print "Not a Buzz Number"
create a program to check if a number is a bus number or not is a number that ends with the seven hour is divisible by 7