Write a python program to input the basic salary and find the gross pay of an employee after the following allowances and deduction.
Use the meaningful variables.
Dearness Allowance=25% of Basic Salary
House Rent Allowance=15% of Basic Salary
Provident Fund=8.33% of Basic Salary
Net Pay=Basic Salary + Dearness Allowance + House Rent Allowance
Gross Pay=Net Pay – Provident Fund
To calculate the Gross Pay on the basis of Basic salary and given conditions a program code is made by Python Programming language.
The Driver code is given below:
Program Input:
#Provided that:
#Dearness Allowance=25% of Basic Salary
#House Rent Allowance=15% of Basic Salary
#Provident Fund=8.33% of Basic Salary
#Net Pay=Basic Salary + Dearness Allowance + House Rent Allowance
#Gross Pay=Net Pay – Provident Fund
print('Hello! What is Your name?')
print('Hey',N,' WELCOME! I am here to calculate Your salary chart!')
P=int(input('Insert Your Basic Sallary ₹ : '))
print('On the basis of Basic Salary You will get: ')
print('Dearness Allowance = ',D,' ₹')
print('House Rent Allowance = ',H,' ₹')
print('Provident Fund = ',PF,' ₹')
print( )
print('Your Net Pay = ',Net,' ₹ ')
print( )
print('Your Gross Pay/Month = ',G,' ₹' )
print( )
print('Thank You ',N,' Have a Nice Day!')
Program Output:
Hello! What is Your name?
Anurag Das
Hey Anurag Das WELCOME! I am here to calculate Your salary chart!
Insert Your Basic Sallary ₹ : 25000
On the basis of Basic Salary You will get:
Dearness Allowance = 6250.0 ₹
House Rent Allowance = 3750.0 ₹
Provident Fund = 2082.5 ₹
Your Net Pay = 35000.0 ₹
Your Gross Pay/Month = 32917.5 ₹
answer is 32917.5