Computer Science, asked by yashu5329, 2 months ago

Write a python program to take in the roll number, name and percentage of marks for n students of Class X. Write user defined functions to: 1. accept details of the n students (n is the number of students) 2. search details of a particular student on the basis of roll number and display result 3. display the result of all the students 4. find the topper amongst them 5. find the subject toppers amongst them (Hint: use Dictionary, where the key can be roll number and the value is an immutable data type containing name and percentage).​


Answered by preranashinde386


print("-----Program for Student Information-----")

D = dict()

n = int(input('How many student record you want to store?? '))

# Add student information

# to the dictionary

for i in range(0,n):

   x, y = input("Enter the complete name (First and last name) of student: ").split()

   z = input("Enter contact number: ")

   m = input('Enter Marks: ')

   D[x, y] = (z, m)


# define a function for shorting

# names based on first name

def sort():

   ls = list()

   # fetch key and value using

   # items() method

   for sname,details in D.items():


       # store key parts as an tuple

       tup = (sname[0],sname[1])


       # add tuple to the list



   # sort the final list of tuples

   ls = sorted(ls)  

   for i in ls:


       # print first name and second name




# define a function for

# finding the minimum marks

# in stored data

def minmarks():

   ls = list()

   # fetch key and value using

   # items() methods

   for sname,details in D.items():

       # add details second element

       # (marks) to the list



   # sort the list elemnts  

   ls = sorted(ls)  

   print("Minimum marks: ", min(ls))




# define a function for searching

# student contact number

def searchdetail(fname):

   ls = list()


   for sname,details in D.items():





   for i in ls:

       if i[0][0] == fname:




# define a function for

# asking the options

def option():


   choice = int(input('Enter the operation detail: \n \

   1: Sorting using first name \n \

   2: Finding Minimum marks \n \

   3: Search contact number using first name: \n \

   4: Exit\n \

   Option: '))


   if choice == 1:

       # function call


       print('Want to perform some other operation??? Y or N: ')

       inp = input()

       if inp == 'Y':



       # exit function call  



   elif choice == 2:


       print('Want to perform some other operation??? Y or N: ')


       inp = input()

       if inp == 'Y':




   elif choice == 3:

       first = input('Enter first name of student: ')



       print('Want to perform some other operation??? Y or N: ')

       inp = input()

       if inp == 'Y':





       print('Thanks for executing me!!!!')




hope it will help you
please mark me as brainst

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