Write a python program, which will find all such numbers between m and n (both included) such that each digit of the number is an even number Input Format: The first line contains value m and n separated by a comma. Output Format: The numbers obtained should be printed in a comma-separated sequence on a single line. Constraints: 1000<=m<=9000 1000<=n<=9000
Here is a Python Program which accomplishes the task.
We take m and n as input.
We then set a loop running from m to n. We extract each digit from each number to see if it is even or not. If the number satisfies the required conditions, we then save it for printing in a list.
Here's the code:
m=int(input("Enter value of m: ")) #Taking input for m
n=int(input("Enter value of n: ")) #Taking input for n
print("The numbers in given range with all digits even are: ")
arr=[] #Creating an empty list
for i in range(m,n+1): #Setting a for loop from m to n
num=i #Taking a variable num to work upon
isValid=True #Setting a boolean variable to True
#We will extract each digit of num and see if it is even
digit=num%10 #Extracting digit
if(digit%2!=0): #Checking if digit is odd
isValid=False #If odd, then isValid is set to False
break #Breaking loop if odd digit found
if(isValid): #If isValid remains True, then all digits are even
print(arr) #Printing the list