Write a QBasic program to find the sum of 5 numbers.
Hello there,
The following is quick and dirty, but it should do the trick :
10 REM ‘Program to find the sum of of even numbers between 10 and 50’
20 CLS
30 LET s = 10
40 FOR i = 10 TO 50 STEP 2
50 LET s = s + i
60 NEXT i
70 PRINT "The sum of the numbers is "; s
80 END
Now, this is an easy example, and should produce a string of even numbers of the simplest sort.
For sophistication, we can add this :
10 REM ‘Program to find the sum of of even numbers between 10 and 50’
15 REM ‘Using i MOD 2 form’
20 CLS
30 LET s = 10
40 FOR i = s TO 50
50 IF i MOD 2 =0 THEN LET s = s + i
60 NEXT i
70 PRINT "The sum of the numbers is "; s
80 END
Where the Modulus (MOD) of 2 for even numbers is used to return a more precise result. Also, we can modify value s to whatever we want.
We can get even more sophisticated by putting in INPUT statements to take in user inputs for variables s and i . And so on.
Step-by-step explanation: