Write a query to display list student id and the minimum mark scored by that students in any subject.Give an alias as minimum_mark. Sort the result based on minimum_mark
(where there is a student table in which in student table student id i spresent and in the mark table value , subject id ,student id is present.)
List the student details based on minimum marks
This query is created in the SQL server.
SELECT S.StudentId,
INNER JOIN MARK M ON S.StudentId = M.StudentId
WHERE M.Marks < 31
ORDER BY StudentId
In the above query, I have given condition display list of all StudentId and minimum_marks, if student marks are less than 31 and I have applied join also based on similar data from two tables.
I have also used ORDER BY to sort data in ascending order based on StudentId.
You can give any number as per your requirement for minimum marks.
select student_id,min(value) as minimum_mark
from mark
group by student_id
order by minimum_mark;
Explanation: Select the id and min of the value give the required alias then group by the id and sort by the new alias column as asked in the question.