English, asked by mad54, 6 months ago

write a reflective essay on a conversation which makes you angry
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Answered by ramesh015


MoreAnger is normal, it happens on the daily, it is a human emotion that causes people to feel unpleasant. Anger gets your blood rushing, in other words this emotion can relate to getting mad or annoyed. Everyone has experienced anger it is part of life where to just have to overcome. It also depends on the person on how easy the anger gets triggered and how comfortable they are with their anger (Mills, 2005). Anger can be very powerful and can lead to being aggressive. Healthy people are not people without anger; they are individuals who express anger usefully (Mills, 2005). People need to be able the handle their own anger so that there will be no outrage.

Handing anger is something you need to be able to control and master. In many different …show more content…

I would hear their argument and would get so mad I wanted to yell at them and tell them how upset I am. I didn’t know how confront them so the argument would go on and on. The more and more they argued the angrier I got. At 14 years old I would bottle up all the anger and hold it in pretending nothing was ever wrong with me. I would continue to smile every day but every other day at night I would hear them having their discussions and I wouldn’t get any sleep. For the longest time I would be anger at myself and blame myself for their separation. This anger i had in myself got the best of me to the point where I wanted to just run away to where no one can find me. I began doing the wrong things and let the bad in me come out. As I got older I began to realize instead of doing bad i should be doing the right thing and get my life together. I was able to start talking to someone and that someone was my brother who helped me get through it. I was able to control my anger and not let it get to me the way it used to get to me. As time went by I realized though anger i was able to overlook myself to make me a better person. I used my anger as motivation to make me a stronger person. Also through soccer it helped me neutralize my anger and would let all my stress …show more content…

I am in a working environment and when i am working it will not look right for me to look, act, and speak angry. I need to be professional and use my communication skills. As a sales associate i encounter customers that are angry but because i always have a smile on my face and react the way i am supposed to react their attitude begins to change, meaning i had just calm them down by having a better attitude. I have had customers where they just get me so angry i want to talk back but like i said i have to be professional and use my skills. For example, my customer walks up to my register and i say hello because we have to constantly greet our customers. As i was checking her items and bagging them she would say she doesn’t not want the shirt anymore, so i take it off. Then she tells me she does want the shirt so i scan it and bag it again. During this process she has an attitude so i have to keep myself calm to not get angry at this customer. As i am bagging her items i forget to take off a hard tag, and she begins to make a scene of how angry she is. I apologized by saying I am sorry it is my first day i am barely learning as i am still

Answered by XxTheBrainlyLegendxX



☆Anger or wrath is the emotion of heated displeasure. It is both the smouldering flame of resentment and the volcanic eruption of fury. To be angry is to not be at peace. It is to be held in the grip of aversion towards some person, event, pattern of living, opinion or thing. This essay is about the nefarious influence of anger, its unskilfulness, and how to let go of it.

Who is wrathful? He is a wrathful man who is repelled by many things. His views are predominately negative, critical, and most of all impetuous. His speech is given to sarcasm, complaining, harshness, swearing, dogmatic views, anddismissiveness.

✏The proper term for one who is very often angry is “irascible”.Anger can lead to broken trust, trauma, criminality, imprisonment, and wars.

Nevertheless it is commonplace nowadays to hear anger being justified as a healthy emotion that needs to be “vented”. The popular growth of psychology and psychotherapy in the 1970s and 1980s has led to wide adoption of the idea that repression of any negative emotions is bad for mental health, and even physical health. There is a tendency to see anger as a source of strength, often justified in its expression, a reasonable response to undesireable behaviours or conditions. From street protesters and rock stars, to CEOs, teachers, and police this view is held in common.

⛤Seeing anger in such a negative light is certainly the historic view of the world’s great religions. The Roman Catholic Church for example made up a list of Seven Deadly Sins in the Middle Ages at the height of Christendom, and put anger or wrath as it is sometimes termed firmly on the list. The Buddha condemned anger, making it a part of his five Hindrances to enlightenment. Islam too is wary of anger. The Prophet Mohammad told his followers that the best of them were those slowest to anger, and the worst those who stayed angry the longest.

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