write a report for your school magazine on the educational excursions organised by your school
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National Day CelebrationSMK Simpang Rengam held a grand National Day celebration on 3st A!g!st this year atKl!ang Stadi!m. "istory Cl!b# as the organiser had done a great $ob.%he celebration began with a march past by the school band. %he boys in the band p!t on red!niform and a cap. %hey played bea!tif!l m!sic. &'eryone appla!ded lo!dly when they enteredthe stadi!m and wal(ed past the a!diences.%his was followed by the raising of Malaysian flag. &'eryone stood !p straight and pro!dly sango!r National Anthem and patriotic songs accompanied by the m!sic played by o!r talentedschool band.%hen# a few c!lt!ral shows were performed by a gro!p of st!dents. %hey came !p on a platformb!ilt in the middle of the stadi!m and danced traditional dances li(e )zapin* and )inang*gracef!lly. Another gro!p of st!dents also came !p and sang some traditional songs li(e)ghazal* and )lag! asli* sweetly.%he celebration ended with rhythmic gymnastics. +!r school,s gymnasts p!t !p some of theirgymnastic acts accompanied by classical and modern m!sic. %hey !sed colo!rf!l ribbons andhoops. -t was fascinating.&'erybody incl!ding o!r &d!cation District +fficer who came to gi'e closing speech wasspeechless. %he National Day Celebration wo!ld not be forgotten for many years to come.Reported by Amir!l "a(imiSecretary of "istory Cl!b/
Keep simple and polite!
1ood morning teachers and friends# -# -hsan "adi as the 0resident of the &n'ironment Cl!bwo!ld li(e to tal( abo!t*"ow to 0rotect the &n'ironment*2irst of all# each one of !s can start by not littering. e sho!ld throw o!r r!bbish into the r!bbishbin instead of anywhere we li(e. +nce - went strolling at a par( nearby my ho!se b!t wasdisappointed at the sight of r!bbish.- saw many empty cans and plastic wrappers lyingaro!nd.%hey do not only spoil the bea!tif!l par( b!t they are the best breeding place for aedesmos4!itoes. Another way of protecting o!r en'ironment is by (eeping o!r ri'ers clean. e can play o!r roleby not throwing r!bbish into the ri'ers. Meanwhile the factories can stop d!mping their to5icwaste into them. 0lastic wrappers which made !p 67 percent of the r!bbish can endanger thefish and other a4!atic li'es while to5ic waste can (ill them. e# h!man will conse4!ently s!fferas we rely on the ri'ers for food and water.
National Day CelebrationSMK Simpang Rengam held a grand National Day celebration on 3st A!g!st this year atKl!ang Stadi!m. "istory Cl!b# as the organiser had done a great $ob.%he celebration began with a march past by the school band. %he boys in the band p!t on red!niform and a cap. %hey played bea!tif!l m!sic. &'eryone appla!ded lo!dly when they enteredthe stadi!m and wal(ed past the a!diences.%his was followed by the raising of Malaysian flag. &'eryone stood !p straight and pro!dly sango!r National Anthem and patriotic songs accompanied by the m!sic played by o!r talentedschool band.%hen# a few c!lt!ral shows were performed by a gro!p of st!dents. %hey came !p on a platformb!ilt in the middle of the stadi!m and danced traditional dances li(e )zapin* and )inang*gracef!lly. Another gro!p of st!dents also came !p and sang some traditional songs li(e)ghazal* and )lag! asli* sweetly.%he celebration ended with rhythmic gymnastics. +!r school,s gymnasts p!t !p some of theirgymnastic acts accompanied by classical and modern m!sic. %hey !sed colo!rf!l ribbons andhoops. -t was fascinating.&'erybody incl!ding o!r &d!cation District +fficer who came to gi'e closing speech wasspeechless. %he National Day Celebration wo!ld not be forgotten for many years to come.Reported by Amir!l "a(imiSecretary of "istory Cl!b/
Keep simple and polite!
1ood morning teachers and friends# -# -hsan "adi as the 0resident of the &n'ironment Cl!bwo!ld li(e to tal( abo!t*"ow to 0rotect the &n'ironment*2irst of all# each one of !s can start by not littering. e sho!ld throw o!r r!bbish into the r!bbishbin instead of anywhere we li(e. +nce - went strolling at a par( nearby my ho!se b!t wasdisappointed at the sight of r!bbish.- saw many empty cans and plastic wrappers lyingaro!nd.%hey do not only spoil the bea!tif!l par( b!t they are the best breeding place for aedesmos4!itoes. Another way of protecting o!r en'ironment is by (eeping o!r ri'ers clean. e can play o!r roleby not throwing r!bbish into the ri'ers. Meanwhile the factories can stop d!mping their to5icwaste into them. 0lastic wrappers which made !p 67 percent of the r!bbish can endanger thefish and other a4!atic li'es while to5ic waste can (ill them. e# h!man will conse4!ently s!fferas we rely on the ri'ers for food and water.
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