English, asked by madhurimalahon748, 2 days ago

write a report of air pollution in an urban area​


Answered by juliverma7745


Current scientific evidence, derived largely from studies in North

America and Western Europe (NAWE), indicates that urban air pollu-

tion,1 which is derived largely from combustion sources, causes a spec-

trum of health effects ranging from eye irritation to death. Recent

assessments suggest that the impacts on public health may be consider-

able. This evidence has increasingly been used by national and interna-

tional agencies to inform environmental policies, and quantification of

the impact of air pollution on public health has gradually become a

critical component in policy discussions as governments weigh options

for the control of pollution.

Quantifying the magnitude of these health impacts in cities world-

wide, however, presents considerable challenges owing to the limited

availability of information on both effects on health and on exposures

to air pollution in many parts of the world. Man-made urban air pollu-

tion is a complex mixture with many toxic components. We have chosen

to index this mixture in terms of particulate matter (PM), a component

that has been linked consistently with serious health effects, and, impor-

tantly, levels of which can be estimated worldwide. Exposure to PM has

been associated with a wide range of effects on health, but effects on

mortality are arguably the most important, and are also most amenable

to global assessment. Our estimates, therefore, consider only mortality.

Currently, most epidemiological evidence and data on air quality that

could be used for such estimates comes from developed countries. We

have had, therefore, to make assumptions concerning factors such as the

transferability of risk functions, exposure of the population and their

underlying vulnerability to air pollution, while trying to ensure that these

assumptions are transparent and that the uncertainty associated with

them is assessed through appropriate sensitivity analyses.

Answered by statusbuzz1


Urbanization and rapid industrialization have benefited mankind and made the life of humans easier and comfortable. However, both urbanization and industrialization also pose harm to mankind, the top of which is air pollution.

Urban air pollution refers to the air pollution in and around cities. Denser populations experience more urban air pollution. Air pollution affects human health as well as the climate of an area. According to World Health Organization (WHO) 4.2 million deaths every year occur as a result of exposure to ambient (outdoor) air pollution. Although there are some natural sources of urban air pollution, most of the sources are anthropogenic and largely depend on the activities of people.

Natural sources of urban air pollution include volcanic eruptions, thunders, dust from the earth’s surface and naturally occurring particulate matter. Nevertheless, major factors that contribute to urban air pollution are anthropogenic activities, including transportation, domestic use of fossil fuels, industrialization, power generation, combustion and agriculture and beauty products.

Urban Air Pollution Sources


The use of private vehicles (particularly older, diesel models) is the major source of urban air pollution. The US Environmental Protection Agency estimates that about 75% of VOC emissions (by weight) come from transportation. About one-quarter of particulate matter in the air is due to vehicles.

Domestic use of fossil fuels

Half of the world population still relies on solid fuels for cooking and heating. These fuels, including wood, charcoal and coal, are burned in inefficient stoves that release large quantities of health-damaging particulate matter and climate warming pollutants into the nearby environment. In addition, it is estimated that 1.2 billion people light their home with kerosene lamps additionally contributing to air pollution and increasing risk of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.


Industrialization is also a major contributor to urban air pollution as the area having industries particularly show poor air quality. Factories release many toxic gases due to the burning of fossil fuels and the use of chemicals. These gases react with each other and with other atmospheric constituents. It is estimated that around 80 different toxins can be found in the air emitted by factories, from asbestos and dioxin to lead and chronic

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