Biology, asked by Kaushikm, 7 months ago

Write a report on bread mould


Answered by omandlik12


Most foods undergo spoilage. This is known as decay and occurs as a result of various factors but mostly due to the existence of microscopic organisms. In an effort to establish how this spoilage occurs, at Custom Writinig Bay, we provide laboratory reports writing assistance. For students that send us their ‘write my bread mold lab report’ requests, it is important to understand that these microorganisms mainly include yeasts, bacteria, and mold. The molds are visible to the ehdhdhdhfye and they exist everywhere and in everything including air, our bodies, and food. In order for these organisms to survive, they require moisture, oxygen, warmth, and food for their most rapid growth. When providing experimental , when you need help with bread mold experiment report writing, we shall gladly provide the service. We know what the practical experiment entails... a slice of bread placed on a saucer and left exposed for a few days at room temperature. Another slice is acquired, moistened and left at room temperature. A third slice is acquired, moistened and covered with a polythene bag. A few days later the three slices of bread are observed and compared.

How to Write a Bread Mold Lab Experiment Report

Students have to describe and analyze laboratory experiments to explain a particular concept. Writing a lab report is one of the most efficient ways of showing the results and conclusions of a bread mold experiment. If you are pursuing a biology course, you must at one point in time be asked to conduct a bread mold experiment. For you to obtain meaningful results, you must follow the right bread mold experiment procedure. You must also experiment in a controlled environment for the mold to grow on the bread within the specified time.

Plan on how you will write your report: Planning is essential for scholars who want to avoid a last-minute rush. Having experimented, you should start your report as soon as possible. You should have a schedule of all the activities that will make your report a success. Do you want to submit a top-mark bread mold lab report? Work with us, and you will submit an exceptional report that will impress professors.

Develop an outline of your lab report: Many students always ignore the entire process of coming up with a good outline. You should always start with the most important points and leave space for explanations. It is also necessary to leave space for figures and tables. You should familiarize yourself with the structure before you write your report.

Write the introduction, body, and conclusion: Before you write the introduction, you should ensure that your report has a good title. The introduction should show the problem that you are trying to solve and why your problem is important. In the body, you should document the procedure of the bread mold experiment, methods and the results obtained. The conclusion should interpret your results and address the shortcomings of your results.

Edit and proofread your report: Before you edit your work, you should ask peers to read it and critique it. With the feedback you will get from your peers, you can move your lab report to the next level. You should then edit your report to enhance clarity and logical flow of ideas. You should not allow writing a bread mold experiment report trouble you when we can help. Contact us, and we will come to your rescue.

Help with Writing a Lab Report on Bread Mold

Bread has been one of the most in-taken meals, especially in the form of breakfast. People will always go for bread in the nearby shops, while some will opt to bake. Have you ever taken time to inquire of how to store bread? Do you know that your very delicious and yummy breakfast can turn to be your very nightmare? This is due to the high probability of bread getting mold, which is mostly brought by poor storage. There are various species of bread molds. These are formed when mold spores find a way to get into contact with the bread. Basically, a mold is a fungus that consumes the organic compounds in bread, which can also apply to other foods. The 3 most common bread molds are Penicillium, Cladosporium as well as black bread mold. It is always wise for a scholar to engage a professional to assist write a lab report or term paper when faced with a challenge of writing one. If probably you need professional bread mold experiment report writing help, you can consult with us for we offer the best writing services to scholars globally. Our firm is popularly known for the professional writing services that it delivers to clients. Scholars who lack skills or probably resources to conduct an experiment or carry out research and draft a quality lab report or term paper always come to our firm since our professionals deliver quality bread mold lab report writing assistance and term paper writing service at very reasonable prices..

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Answered by Anonymous

Title: Bread Mold Lab

Purpose: The purpose of this lab was to test the effect of water on bread mold growth.

Hypothesis: I hypothesized bread mold would grow faster if the bread was exposed to water.



Plastic cup


Rubber band

Plastic wrap



Seizers Procedures:

Day 1.

Cut two pieces of bread 1 by 1

Place the beard in two separate cups

Put 11 drops of water on one of the pieces of bread

Cover cups with plastic wrap

Put rubber bands around each cup

Place cups on scale to weigh them

Day 2.

Observe the mold or any changes to the bread

Reweigh bread to see the difference in weight

Record your data

Dispose of the bread and/or of the mold

Data: Both pieces of bread were stale. There was no bread mold on ether pieces of bread. The bread stayed the same size. No change in the color of the bread. Weight of bread before and after a week:

Before one week: 5. 5 grams

After one week: 5. 5 grams

Dry bread: 5. 5 grams

Moist bread: 6. 0 grams


What does your data show about the effect of your Variable on Rhizopus growth?

The data from my experiment show that 11 drops of water does not help the growth of bread mold.

Were you surprised by the results of your experiment?

Yes, I was surprised because I thought water would accelerate the growth of bread mold.

What part of designing and carrying out an experiment did you find difficult?

This was not that hard of an experiment, I did not find one part to be more difficult than the any of the other parts.

If you were to do further research into bread mold growth, which of the other variables would you be interested in testing.

I would be interested in air as a variable because I think it affected my research on water and bread mold.


The data does not support my hypothesis on water making bread mold grow faster. I don’t think this was a good experiment because we put the bread in an airtight cup by covering the top with plastic wrap and putting a rubber band around it. If this was useable data it would show the 11 drops of water was not near enough water to make bread mold grow any faster.

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