English, asked by satyamsingh88, 1 year ago

write a report on difference between myth and fiction


Answered by AkshayaT
What is the difference between mythology and fiction?

In general use the word myth has come to mean a misconception or even a lie. But that is not the real meaning of myth.
Unlike a lie or fiction, which is usually dreamed up for a specific purpose by one person, myth is the unconscious creation of a whole culture. So myth has a psychological truth within the culture where it originates.

Fiction can sometimes be profound, especially if it incorporates a deep understanding of myths and folklore, as some of the best authors do. It is not a lie; it is storytelling.
But myth has at least a metaphysical reality, such as in the spirit world, that most fiction does not even begin to approach. In other words, on a certain level myth is real in the culture where it originates, because it expresses the worldview and inner reality of a people.
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