Geography, asked by siddarthvenkat, 17 days ago

Write a report on the importance of Himalayas to the farmers in India?

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Answered by mayaansalman5

Agriculture is the basis of the livelihood of over 80 percent of the rural population in the countries of the Hindu Kush-Himalayan (HKH) region. However, more than 90 percent of the farmers in the hill and mountain areas are marginal or small land-holding families, cultivating less than one hectare of land each (Banskota, 1992; Partap, 1995; Koirala and Thapa, 1997; Partap, 1999). Most agricultural land in the mountain areas is not only marginal in terms of potential productivity, but its quality also appears to be deteriorating as indicated by declining soil fertility and crop productivity. As a result, many mountain families face food shortages of varying degrees, that contribute to the chain reaction process of poverty–resource degradation–scarcity–poverty (Jodha and Shrestha, 1993). Therefore, it is necessary to explore all possible ways of increasing the sustainable productivity and carrying capacity of the farming systems in the mountains in order to improve the livelihoods of marginal mountain households (Partap, 1998, 1999).

This, however, cannot be done by emphasizing the cultivation of cereal crops alone. If the poor mountain farmers are going to compete favourably in the modern world, they must be given options and alternatives that are not already captured by the competition. Development efforts tend to focus on exploring farming approaches to increase the productivity and carrying capacity of farms (Partap and Partap, 1997; Partap, 1999). Cash crops farming – fruit and vegetable crops suitable to specific agro-climatic conditions – is one comparative advantage that can be exploited by these farmers. For example, in uplands of the Himalayan region, off-season vegetables and fruits provide the comparative advantage to the farmers. As a result the focus of mountain agriculture is shifting from traditional cereal crops farming to high value cash crops and the cultivation of such crops as apples, almonds, pear, peaches, plums and cherries and off-season vegetables, both for local and export markets is increasing

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