write a report on the outbreak of diarrhoea in your locality.
An outbreak of acute diarrhoeal disease between August and October 1985 in 3 districts of Manipur state was investigated amongst 9,29,077 population at risk. The overall attack rate and case fatality rate were 0.2% and 0.9% respectively. Hospital records revealed that 58.8% of cases occurred amongst older children above 5 years of age. V.cholera was isolated from 25.3% of cases sampled. Interestingly, increased frequency in weekly admission of cases amongst children during first two years of life increased in the beginning of October when the original peak of diarrhoeal outbreak was about to decline. The October peak was caused by rotavirus which could be detected from 50.0% of diarrhoeal children in this age group. This possibly reflected beginning of the usual rotavirus diarrhoea season in the locality.