English, asked by nikhilrocz, 1 year ago

write a report to minister of education on success of literacy programme


Answered by kvnmurty
To                                                                                  Date xxxxx
  the Minister of Education                                                city xxxx
  State Government
  Governement of state of xxxx

  Boy xyz
  Administrative Officer
  Ministry of Education ministry

Subject : A report on the recently held literacy program during April - June 2014


  As per the governments initiative, we have conducted the literacy program in the state in major towns and about 50 villages in each mandal. We could arrange teachers and students from various schools who volunteered to do the literacy drive. We had campaigned for literacy among the poor children and adults. All the adults were informed by the village heads.

During April to June, we conducted the camps for one week at each center. The children were taken to the government school in the morning and they were taught how to read and write Hindi and local language. They were also taught numbers and simple arithmetic. The elderly and adults were grouped in the evening and were taught to read, write and perform arithmetic. We had offered them simple colorful books and gave them breakfast, lunch and dinner.

It was a successful campaign as most of the children and adults were able to perform good in the sample test. The success of this program goes to the madal authorities, district officials and local authorities who brought the people together for so many days, in spite of hot Sun. Students and teachers were accommodated in official guest house and shared among the famous families in the villages. They also enjoyed their work. All in all, about 20,000 children and 20,000 adults were made literate. About 30 teachers and 300 students from various districts participated in this activity.

We would like to continue this in the next summer too. That will make our state and the country illiterate-free in near future.


kvnmurty: done
nikhilrocz: thnq
kvnmurty: select as best answer if its good. click on stars
kvnmurty: thanks & u r welcome
nikhilrocz: sir can the answer about the life of plants,animals,water bodies and air pollution 50 years and the present status of them
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