English, asked by bheemannakaradi5918, 9 months ago

Write a review of 10 std english textbook


Answered by Shriyash1249



Students go to conversation classes for the purpose of

learning to be able to orally communicate with speakers of

English. How can teachers assist students to achieve this

goal? Selecting effective textbooks is a crucial step in

making this goal a reality. Textbooks provide a clear

framework that directs students to a destination. Through

a well-organized structure, students will be able to acquire

the language necessary for communication in a systematic


This paper describes the features of conversation

textbooks necessary for the enhancement of students’ oral

abilities. Following this description are the guidelines for

selecting conversation textbooks and a critique of Survival

English, one such textbook used by several colleges and

universities in Taiwan. It is hoped that the critique will

inspire textbook writers to develop more beneficial

teaching materials, which in turn will enhance students’

oral proficiency in the long run.


Crawford (2002) advocates the use of well-developed

textbooks. Those textbooks, based on sound learning

principles, are appropriately paced, which might alleviate

students’ anxiety and further promote learning.

Furthermore, they cover a variety of language functions,

which is facilitative in the development of communicative

abilities. On the whole, textbooks serve as a helpful

scaffold for improving students’ skills and advancing them

to higher levels.

Language must be contextualized

Effective conversation textbooks have at least two features

(Crawford, 2002; Richards, 2001). First, language in

textbooks must be contextualized. Language is used for a

purpose, such as arguing, persuading, interpreting,

complaining, negotiating, or informing. As language is

functional, dialogues, activities, and any other contents in

textbooks must be language in use. Ideal conversation

textbooks should design a setting (such as choosing a

major) in which language functions (such as giving

opinions, in this case) can fit. It just doesn’t make any

sense to scramble a bunch of unrelated sentences in a


Language must be realistic

Language is a social practice. Every social situation

requires its own distinct language type. Therefore, genres

or registers have to be taken into account when textbook

writers design dialogues, activities, and any other contexts.

For instance, it sounds very unnatural when a mother says,“Would you please kindly open the door for me, sir?” to

her child. Second language learners must learn not only

what to say but how to say it appropriately. Realistic

language provides students with a concept of how

language is used in different social situations, and this will

minimize sociolinguistic inappropriateness.

In general, effective conversation textbooks must offer

students ample opportunities to experience authentic

language use. Through meaningful learning in contexts,

students will have better opportunities to sharpen their

communicative competences: grammatical competence

(enables speakers to speak accurately), discourse

competence (enables speakers to speak clearly),

sociolinguistic competence (enables speakers to speak

appropriately), and strategic competence (enables

speakers to prevent communication failures).



The following sections summarize and synthesize

concepts proposed by several researchers (Celce-Murcia,

1991; Robinett, 1978; Savignon, 2002) to offer guidelines

for the selection of textbooks for conversation classes at

colleges or universities.

Students’ background

The background of the students (age, language proficiency,

purpose for learning English, etc) is one of the

considerations for selecting conversation textbooks. In

terms of age, the contents of the textbooks must be

compatible with the maturity and interests of the students.

Suitable topics for college students may include hot issues,

such as the upcoming Presidential election, or their

favorite form of entertainment, such as online games. It is

simply not suitable to offer such topics as “How to Tie

Your Shoes” or “How to Dress your Barbie Dolls” to college

students. As far as language proficiency is concerned, a

simplified version of the material can be provided to low-

proficiency students, but always remember: contents

cannot be diluted. For intermediate and advanced

students, it is recommended that teachers use as many

authentic materials as possible. The underlying principle

behind this is that authentic materials can reinforce the

direct relationship between the language classroom and

the outside world for students.

Purposes for learning English are another consideration

in choosing conversation textbooks.

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