English, asked by upo1, 1 year ago

Write a SA in 300 words about your most loved person


Answered by Shakespeare0856


Heya friend,

Here's your answer,


How nice it feels to love and to be loved by somebody! As children we are loved by many, but there’s always someone who loves you the most. There is always somebody with whom you can share all your issues with, and be assured of receiving a solution, he/she is the one who understands the sorrow behind your happiness, tears behind your joy, and agitation behind your smile. Those people are true angels, the one to be dependent upon in times of distress.



Those angels exist within our surroundings, in the form of our Mom, Pops, siblings, friends, etc. For me, it’s my Dad. He is my inspiration, he is an exquisite being, a prodigious one. He is an exemplary writer as well as an orator. He guides  me when I lose my consciousness, he encourages me to never give up, and influences me with all his examples to bring out the positive things within and around me. He is my teacher, he is my guide, he is my inspiration, he is my life!



The time spent with him can never be vain, the words coming out of his mouth are never discouraging. The moments spent with him are cherished ones, and the hours spent in his company teach a lesson that loneliness would never teach. He is one of the only things whom I have loved with whole of my heart and have always derived a sense of encouragement from him, to move on, no matter what the circumstances are.              



The best part in him was that he held my hand, when everybody else had refused even to recognize me. He believed in me and my capabilities, despite the sarcasm he received from the society. And, the most of all, he never made me feel I was a girl, and therefore, I couldn’t do anything. He had always been saying, “Whatever you’ll do, you’ll do for yourself na? Therefore do what you like, without caring of what will others say………”



One cannot find a person more punctual than him. He wants everything to be up to time, scheduled. He says, “A human being either saves his money, or his time. For e.g. When a person is ill, and he prefers government hospital, this means that he does not have enough to pursue private. Therefore, he wastes his time in government. While, a rich man never goes to a government hospital. Reason is that he does not have enough time to waste upon a silly treatment.

Now, that’s your choice where you wish to go, private (be rich), or government (be poor and waste time)”.



His ideologies are :


1.    “When you achieve failures, don’t be upset, because even Thomas Alva Edison had failed 8 times before the discovery of the bulb. Had he stopped trying, we would not enjoy light today”.


2.   “Never feel that you are not capable of doing anything, because Issac Newton was thrown out of his school, he was completely illiterate, but it was his faith and devotion towards science that lead to the invention of his Three laws of Motion.



3.    “Never feel disheartened by failures. Instead, when you receive failures, try to utilize that by looking up your weak points and focusing on them. The results will automatically be better….”

4.   “If you are scared of doing something that scares you, you’ll never be able to be what you ought to, and that would be the worst part of your life”.



5.   “Nobody on this Earth was born perfect. All of them had practiced, And the ones who didn’t receive success inspite of their efforts are the biggest inspirers in life. Go ahead! Watch their efforts, gain strength through it. Determine their weak points and achieve success with it”.



Such is my dad, he motivates me saying, “I motivate you, because I was a failure, I couldn’t do what I wanted to. Therefore, I never want you to lose hope and be the same. I don’t expect anything from you. Just be what you wanted to….That’s all I want from you”.



And I’ll surely be so, put in whole of my strength to achieve my goals and be the best…..


 And, what I feel is :


And my Dad is that special one..


Hope this helps!!!














Shakespeare0856: Thanks!!
upo1: WOW great!!
Shakespeare0856: Thanks
BrainlyHulk: its very small =-= ...... Great
BrainlyHulk: i had nevered answer like this..... keep on writing..... you will definitly become real shakespeare
Shakespeare0856: Ohh.....sry...actually word limit ended
Shakespeare0856: Hehe...thnks unique ji ^^". That really inspires :)
ANSHI03: Great Angel...!! True and real feelings...!! keep writing like this!! :-)
Shakespeare0856: Thanks angel ^_^
Anonymous: Stunning!
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