Write a script for a radio play based on a ghost story you have heard, indicating sound effects, narration and dialogues wherever needed.
deep in the woods, there was a cabin. an old cabin. it used to be wooden. I went inside it and saw an old painting. it was m moving on it's own. I thought that someone was inside it. Just then, the door shut by itself (CLANK) . I was so scared. now, I was trapped inside. there was a singing noise. ( lalalala la la lalala la la laaaa come to me as we can play. we are good friends as you can see. let us play........ hide aanndddd seeeek. I'll count you will hide.) so, I decided to follow the voice. there was no one. but.... there was a sound. I went back. but this time, the person appeared right in my front. who are you? I asked.
unknown: do you have the rights to know my name?
me: of course I do.
unknown: WRONG. You don't have the rights to know my name. now, I'll take you to a secret place.
me: okay....
so, i followed her. I was a bit scared but curious at the same time. she took me to a basement full of dead bodies. I remember that Halloween was near by. I thought that this was a Halloween prank. she started to play hide and seek. I started to hide in one of the coffins. I didn't know what was happening out there.
unknown: I will find you in no time. here is my tool. hahahaha AHAHAHAHHA. you will be gone forever. hahahaha haha.
myself: I was scared. I just took a peep. I found her with a knife. she was getting closer. I am so panicked. just then, I found a hole. I jumped down. I found myself in a pathway. I found the exit. I ran towards it. I have successfully escaped the cabin. I went home and searched the internet. then, I found out.... the only way to stop the game.... is to........ drown her into the water. if not... she will come find you. Her name was...... The SEEKER.