write a script for a street play on the tradition of india
Build a powerful intro. Have a powerful song that catches the attention of audience and allows you to run, jump and call them while conveying your message. Have a dholak or bongos if necessary.
Dont have scenes. Keep dialogues between two people as minimum as you can. Its a street. Address people and audience with a powerful line everytime someone speaks.
Put in buttload of songs and keep your distance from bollywood lyrics or music. The more original you are, the more better it is. People who know a thing or two about street will be interested in this. Its always a better way to keep the audience looking in for more. Dragging along dialogues just doesnt work.
Have actions that make you interact with the audience. Even if one person is going on make sure rest of your crew is keeping up with the audience.
Put in some decent formations. Stick to your topic tho, make half a govinda, or a pyramid sorta to grab someone who is sitting far.
Be very specific. If you are funny, pull it like a satire, if you are angry, use lathis and stomp the your feet, for fighting scenes use gulal. Keep it extraordinary but subtle.
Lastly, whatever you do remember you are doing to promote a cause, for the audience, its not all shouting and screaming, its about conveying a message.