English, asked by Anonymous, 3 months ago

Write a script for human trafficking in Finland (I need to speak on this topic for one and a half to two minutes so PLZZ post ur answers accordingly)​



Human trafficking is the trade of humans that can occur internationally or within a nation, often with a goal of forced marriage, sexual slavery, forced labor, commercial sexual exploitation or the removal of organs. Finland is both a transit and a destination country for human trafficking, but human trafficking is less prevalent in Finland than it is in most other EU countries. According to statistics provided by Eurostat, in 2010–2012 there was a total of 231 registered victims of human trafficking in Finland. Newest forms of human trafficking include ova and surrogacy trade. Persons that are victims of human trafficking are usually recruited or taken by the means of the threat or use of force, or by fraud, kidnapping, deception, abuse of power or a vulnerable position with the aim of exploitation. Some of the biggest reasons for human trafficking are poverty, the global level of gender inequality and the feminization of poverty as well as different kinds of conflicts, cataclysms, religious and ethnic persecutions, violence and discrimination (of especially women).

Answered by hiteshnagrota1977


you are good dancer ....

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