English, asked by Keval5201, 1 year ago

write a script for speech stating our responsibility to preserve our cultural heritage.


Answered by upenderjoshi28

               Responsibility to preserve our cultural heritage


Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone present here. I am going to expatiate on ‘Responsibility to preserve our cultural heritage’. Each country has its own unique culture. The values of culture give direction to our life.


India, our motherland is a land of rich culture and traditions. Culture and traditions were actually made for the convenience of the people in the long past by the then wise people. Traditions are our past. Our joys are associated with the traditions. For example all the festivals that we love celebrating are nothing but traditions. They are an integral part of our society. For example, take any tradition and analyze it; you will find it has many wholesome benefits. For example, take the tradition of going to a temple/mosque/church/or any religious place. It connects us to our roots. As we go to the temple, it makes us realize the supremacy of God; it makes us spiritual. We feel the fatherhood of God and brotherhood of humanity.


Another example is being respectful to elders. Our traditions teach us to be courteous and respectful to our elders, teachers, or any stranger; by being respectful we not only gladden the elders, but also gladden ourselves. They give us many favours in return. For example, they bless us. They teach us. They are always there with their love and care when we need them. We also earn a good image in society and people like to be associated with us.


Another blessing of our family is joint family system. This system is only found in India and some other traditional societies. The so called problem-ridden western societies don’t have joint family systems. As a result, there are no problems such as loneliness, depression, going astray, etc.; by default, the joint family system proves healthy and beneficial in the healthy growth of children and provides them with a wholesome environment.


However, this culture of ours has been exposed to various influences.  Western culture is one of these influences. The western culture has swept over the Indian subcontinent like a tsunami. What is not that has not been affected by it! We have been completely westernized, though we claim we have not been! The two catalysts that have been transforming our culture are IT revolution and media and networking advancement.


Since Western culture is quite open and advanced, there is no restriction on pornographic and obscene channels. However, our culture is based on values of abstinence, self-discipline, and self-control. Such adult channels are really affecting our culture. The westernization process of majority of our youth has already started. Preference for western style of life is visible everywhere. Fast food, western clothes, eating habits, smoking, drinking, going out, pubs, drive-through foods, jeans, etc. all are indicators of the westernization of our culture.


It depends upon us whether we allow ourselves to be influenced by the foreign channels or not. But one thing is sure; if we will be watching foreign channels most of the time every day, it is definitely going to influence our culture. Foreign channels have already influenced our culture a lot. We need to take very careful precautions to preserve our culture in the midst of this onslaught of foreign entertainment and information on the impressionable minds of our children.


The wisest approach should be adopted. We must preserve our rich spiritual culture and allow wise blending of the western culture with it. I think the rich morality taught to us by our traditional oriental culture along with the efficient technological advancement given to us by the occidental culture will produce an ideal new culture whose benefits will be immense for the entire mankind.


So, we must protect and observe the traditions bequeathed to us by our wise forefathers. We can modify certain traditions for the convenience of people as well as according to the demands of current times. We must never ever disrespect and disregard traditions, for they are for our help, comfort, ease, and happiness.
Answered by Theultimatehero20
OUR RESPONSIBILITY TO PRESERVE OUR CULTURAL HERITAGE Good morning/good afternoon/good evening, this speech presents to us the virtue of our prestigious culture of which we need to know our responsibility to preserve its heritage. However, it of no doubt that every land, every territory has its own unique culture. O people of Indian, yes Indian is our motherland, a land full of a prestigious cultures that even brings an attachment of value and virtue to the one who practices it. It's no more a news that the negligence to our very virtuous culture is alerting and it is becoming the thing is yesterday. This is a s a result of several civilization which enter into our land and we started taking them above our culture. Western education has been the principal and primary origin of this negligence, yes! no one is stoping or condemning the virtue of Western education, however, it is trend that promote the negligence of our cultural life talk of speech, dressing, way of marriage and so on. Henceforth, one of the best way to preserve our culture are many of which among is presenting annually a paper that shows the advantage and value plus virtue of our cultures which we tends to have ignore. Nevertheless, the effect of cultural has resulted to unrestricted clothing even in the media house, our Indian culture is known for modest and now it's negligence is getting us nude. To preserve our cultural heritage, it's good to put a bend to Western teaching which possibly affects culture heritage. It is therefore the responsibility of every Indian citizen to revive and preserve the seems lost cultural heritage of our land. I hope this would help
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