English, asked by humanabeel7815, 5 months ago

Write a sentence on the word ' ' many ' ' in superlative form

sentence on the word ' ' top ' ' in superlative form

sentence on the word ' ' Good ' ' comparative form

sentence on the word ' ' little' ' superlative from

sentence on word ''bad'' comparative form

sentence on the word ' ' beautiful ' ' superlative form


Answered by gulalai89


1. I have most of my work done.

2. I reached to the topmost region.

3. She is better than me in maths.

4. I saw littlest fish in sea.


4. I have least number of friends in my class.

5. He is worse at work.

6. She is most beautiful in her home.

Answered by anujsharma44181


many = I have the more book in the Class.

top = the Himalayas is the toppest in the india.

good = Ram is better than Mohan.

little = Ram is the least in the class.

bad = ram is worse than shyam.

beautiful = Mohani is the most beautiful in class.

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