English, asked by nikku1469, 10 months ago

Write a short debate smoking should be banned


Answered by kirtisingh01

Smoking has 2 nasty byproducts, toxic cigarette buts, and secondhand smoke. Secondhand smoke is the smoke that bystanders involuntarily breath in. Studies have shown that secondhand smoke is just as dangerous, if not more dangerous then firsthand smoke. Smoking should be banned to prevent us from all that harm. As for smoking areas, why should businesses have to waste space and money building special areas to allow people to hurt themselves and others. Those people also could have kids, so where do they go? People also smoke at parks, hurting many kids who just want to play and have fun. If you have kids, smoking indoors and in the car with them can leave them with asthma and the same diesases as the parent. That is unfair. What is also unfair is for the people who walk outside in cities also have to breath in disgusting smoke all the time as smokers smoke on sidewalks

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