English, asked by gamingmrtech, 7 hours ago

Write a short descriptive essay describing the world in the midst of COVID-19 pandemic


Answered by jagadishwar45

We are all currently wondering what will happen with exams and labs, especially research labs. The professors are doing their best, but even they are still trying to figure things out.

The school is doing a wonderful job at keeping us all informed, but this is a very tumultuous event, and I hope things can go back to normal very soon.


Answered by joshkavya91


              My Life Experience During  Covid-19 Pandemic

In March of 2020, the entire world changed when the

Coronavirus pandemic hit. In the last months, we have all been staying at

home, wearing masks in public and trying to stay at least six feet away

from other people in order to protect ourselves and the entire community. It has

not been easy for everyone, including me, not just because the pandemic

occurred at an unprecedented rate, but because of the fear that the current

generation was facing. Especially for the graduating members of the Class of


It was my senior year of high school, and so far, everything was going

great; I attended my final homecoming dance, I went to almost every home

football game, I performed in my fall stage shows and concerts, but to top it all

off, I got accepted into Sacred Heart University. I was even more excited for the

spring semester to start because prom and graduation were just around the

corner. In the middle of February, everybody in my school was talking about a

current epidemic happening in China and how it will eventually spread to the

United States shortly after. My thoughts were completely different, I did not think

that a small epidemic would turn into a pandemic in a matter of weeks.

On March, and that was when everything

changed. I remember going to school and all of a sudden, the faculty announced

that we would be having an early dismissal due to the pandemic stats arising in  

the announcement was made. It was then that we all realized that we were going

to be in lockdown for a long time and that we probably would never meet in

person again. So much so, that when the final bell rang, we were all hugging

each other because we were so scared. The next day, the state was officially in

full lockdown and we all had to quarantine.

Throughout the months of March and April, those had to be one of the

toughest times of my life. So many changes had to be made in life in order to

keep us all safe. Almost all of the public places were closed, with the exceptions

of fast food drive throughs and grocery stores, I had to do school online, but the

worst part was not being able to see my friends and family. So many drastic

changes were occurring, it eventually took a toll on my mental health. So many

emotions were going through my head. I felt angry, sad, hopeless, bored, and

trapped. My mom noticed how hard it was for me to deal with the current

situation, and she told me that even though we are stuck at home, it does not

mean that we can not stay inside all day and be bored.  


In order to cope with my emotions, my family and I started to take long

walks, I would sing/listen to my favorite songs, and my sister and I would always

binge watch our favorite shows and movies on Disney Plus, Hulu, and Netflix. In


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