write a short essay on any practices which you may have observed and practised your everyday lives that conserve and protect the environment around you
We all know that the environment around us is very important. From this, we get lots of essential things like oxygen , carbon dioxide etc. All the living organismsWe only have one planet and we should all do our part to ensure that it’s protected by combining our modern ways of living with a deeper respect and understanding of what nature provides. Environmental conservationists understand that the way we live is a reflection of how we feel about the natural world, and our everyday habits show how much we truly value all the things that the Earth gives us.
I have observed many activities being practiced by our colony residents which are helping to conserve and protect the environment. The first activity which we carry out regularly every year when the monsoon rains start is celebrating the Van Mahotsav. We normally celebrate this on 1st of July by planting trees saplings in various parts of the colony and watering them. These saplings are protected from being eaten by stray animals by encircling them with metal guard enclosures. This improves the atmospheric oxygen activity in and around our colony. Another activity being carried out in our colony is segregating kitchen waste and other household waste into recyclable and biodegradable categories by keeping them in different bins at home and every day disposing of them in similar bins coloured blue (for recyclable waste) and green (for biodegradable waste) in the big bins just outside the colony This helps the municipality in easy disposal of these wastes and keeps the environment clean.