English, asked by mobilessearch8790, 9 months ago

Write a short letter to.your parents or sisters telling them how much you love them and appreciate all that they do for you


Answered by singhpriya1623


Dear Mom and Dad,

I know you both have been there for me every day since you first found out Mom was pregnant with me. I love you both for that and for so much more. But I am not sure if you know how much I appreciate everything you have done for me, everything you continue to do for me, and everything you will do for me. You two are my personal heroes. I look up to both of you all the time, even when you do not realize it.

You have been my guides in this world from my first, tentative, unsure steps—both as an infant and as a young woman attending college in a different state. No matter where I am or how much space, or how many zones, separates us, I know you are always there for me. You do not know how much I appreciate your constant presence. Even though we do not talk or text every day, I think of you constantly. I try calling at least once a week and sometimes we talk more often than that. You two are the first people I text or call when I receive any news—good or bad. When my legs feel like they will collapse under me at any moment, I can call either of you and know you will be there to catch me when I fall.


I think ita inuf .....mark as brillint answer

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