write a short note natural food of fishes
Some of the fish natural food organisms include phytoplankton, zooplankton, annelids, worms, insects, molluscs etc. ... At a younger stage; the fish may feed on plankton, and the same fish may prefer animal food. Natural feeds have high protein and fat content, which promote the growth of fish.
The inland water bodies consist of small aquariums to nursery ponds, canals, beels, haor, baors(oxbow-lake), rivers, streams, flooded lands, etc. These are called freshwater basins. The more diverse fish types are found in these water bodies.
The shape, nature, feeding habits, color, etc. vary from species to species. Their cultivation system is also different. It is important to have scientific knowledge about the nature of fish, feeding habits, diseases and so on to cultivate fish through the choice using suitable control measures.