write a short note on a) the new economic policy of lenin
b) Stalin's attempt to improve the Soviet economy
a)Lenin's New Economic Policy, promulgated by decree on 21st March 1921, was a temporary retreat from full socialism to partial capitalism for the purpose of rebuilding the Russian economy. It permitted small businesses to make personal profits, while the state continued to control banks, foreign trade, and large industries. Elements of capitalism such as individual profit and private ownership of land were permitted in order to revitalize the Russian economy.
b) When Stalin comes to power, the Soviet economy was plagued by many problems. He government-owned took many steps to revitalize the economy.
Among them were:
(i) Industrialisation was carried out through a planned process and in 1929 Russia adopted the first series of Five Year Pl
(ii) Heavy industries were given priority over consumer goods.
(iii) Life was hard for the workers, they lived in primitive conditions.
(iv) In agriculture, collective forms were introduced which were worked by government owned machinery and animals. Income was divided according to their work and capacity. Thousands of wealthy peasants were executed when they withheld their farms from collectivization. Many were exiled or imprisoned. Under forced collectivization, food grain production dropped. Famine broke out in many parts of the country. Many farmers died of starvation.
It permitted small businesses to make personal profits, while the state continued to control banks, foreign trade and large industries. Elements of capitalism such as individual profit and private ownership of land were permitted in order to revitalise the Russian economy.