write a short note on animal tissues
Types of Animal Tissues include epithelial tissue, connective tissue, muscular tissue and nervoustissue.Epithelial tissues form a protective layer. Different types of epithelial tissues are classified based on their shape and function. Squamous epithelium are found in the organs to provide mechanical support.
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Animal tissue :-on the basis of their function they are of 4 types:-
a). epithelial tissue:- this tissue cover and protect the body organs.
another word we can say that it is like a covering to our body.
example :- skin.
these are again classified into many categories:-
1). squamous epithelial:- these epithelial cells are thin and flat and they are very compact like a floor tile.
2). cuboidal epithelial:- these epithelial tissue has the cuboidal shaped cell. these cell lie on the basement membrane.
3). columnar epithelium:- these epithelium tissue has the pillar like cells. the cell also lies on the basement membrane.
4) . compound epithelium tissue:- these are the group of or the bunch of squamous or cuboidal epithelial tissues.
5). ciliated epithelial:-these are also similar to columnar epithelial tissue but they have small hairs like structure on them that is called as Cillian.
Connective tissue:- as the name suggest these tissue helps in connecting or binding the other organs of body.
these are also classified into three categories:-
a). connective tissue proper :-these connective tissue have the soft matrix.
and these can again classified into the four types:-
1). areolar connective tissue:- in this connective tissue the metric is transparent and very sticky these have the loosely arranged fibres between them.
2). white fibrous connective tissue (tendon):- these also have fibres that is tightly packed and these tissue helps to join muscle to bone.
3) yellow fibrous connective tissue ( ligament):- ligaments also have tightly packed fibres and these connective tissue helps to join bone to bone.
4). adipose connective tissue:- this tissue are very spongy and act as a shock absorber because they has many fat globules between them.
2). skeleton connective tissue:-this tissue mainly helps in the formation of endoskeleton or they are act as the framework of our body.
this tissue also has two part:-
a). cartilage:- The Skeleton tissue are hard but they are very flexible and act as elastic. these are formed of chondrin protein.
b). bone:- it is a connective tissue that is hard and they are not reflexive.
the long bones have the empty cavity that is called as marrow cavity that is filled with some fatty tissue that is called as bone marrow.
these are formed of ossein protein.
3) vascular tissue:- these are the connective tissue which is fluid and mainly help in the transportation.
these are again classified into two types:-
1). blood :- these are red vascular connective tissue. it has 2 basic components:-
A). blood corpuscles:- these are the solid particle that is present in the blood they are mainly of the following types:-
a). erythrocyte (RBC):- erythrocyte are Di nucleated cells which has large amount of iron and hemoglobin. these cells help in the transportation of Oxygen and Carbon dioxide.
b). leukocyte ( WBC) :- these blood corpuscles act as the Soldier of body. as they help in the defence of our body.
c). blood platelet:- these help in blood clotting.
B). plasma:- these are the liquid part of the blood. dear Marie light yellow coloured liquid. all the blood corpuscles float inside it.
2). lymph:- these are the white vascular connective tissue. these are mainly found in lymph vessels. this filled the empty part between some body organs.
3). Muscular tissue:-the muscular tissue are mainly formed of muscle cell and they help in the movement and locomotion.
these are also classified into three categories:-
A). striated muscular tissue:- this muscular tissue r multinucleated .these have the combination of dark and light bands. these have some special covering called sarcolemma. this tissue help in the locomotion and the movement of voluntary organs of body.
B). unstriated muscular tissue:- these are uni nucleated muscular tissue which has some muscular fibre that is covered by plasma membrane. they are small sized and spindle in shape. these are involuntary muscle tissue means they are not work on our will. these are found in the lungs , Iris of eye etc.
C). cardiac vascular tissue:- these are the special type of muscular tissue that is only found in the heart. they are always working tissues. they also have light and dark bands on them. this tissue also have intercalated disc. they are branched and uni nucleated.
4). nervous tissue:- these are one of the most special type of tissues which help in the transfer of nerve impulse throughout our body. these are made up of the fundamental unit of nervous system called neurones. neurones are considered as the longest cell of body that is about 1 m.
Structure of neurones:- the neurones have mainly two basic parts:-
Cyton :-it forms the cell body of neurones. they are nucleated part of the cell. in cytoplasm is called as neuro plasma. its cytoplasm contain rough endoplasmic reticulum, some mitochondria and nissl granules.
nerve transfer organs:- this organ help in the transfer of nerves impulses example axion, synaptic slaps, etc .
From brainly star Amaytripathi19
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Animal tissues are made up of animal cells that have clumped together. The structure, function, and origin of these tissues are all different.
Purpose of animal tissue?
Their roles include protection, absorption, and secretion. Connective tissue, epithelial tissue, muscular tissue, and nerve tissue are the four main forms of tissue.
Four Types of Animal Tissues:
- Epithelial tissue: The protective coating and inner lining of the body and organs are formed by epithelial tissues. These tissues were the first to develop during embryonic development and were the first to evolve during evolution. They emerge from the embryo's ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm.
Some of the most important characteristics of epithelial tissues are as follows:
- These might be multi-layered or single-layered.
- Tissues have the ability to renew themselves.
- Gap junctions, tight junctions, zonula adherens, desmosomes, and interdigitation hold these cells together.
- These cells' plasma membranes are divided into flagella, cilia, and microvilli.
- Connective tissue: The embryo's mesodermal cells give rise to connective tissues. They help to support and bind the body's other tissues.
There are three components to these:
- Intercellular Matrix: Mucopolysaccharide, specifically hyaluronic acid, makes up the substance.
- Cells: The most common cells are fibroblasts, adipocytes, plasma cells, and mast cells.
- Fibres: The three types of fibres found in connective tissues are collagen fibres, elastic fibres, and reticular fibres.
The connective tissues are responsible for the following tasks:
- They serve to connect organs and tissues.
- Adipose tissues are where they store fat.
- They assist in tissue healing.
- They guard against mechanical shocks to the organs.
- In addition, the aid of the organs in defense.
- Muscular tissue: The embryo's mesoderm develops into muscle tissue.
It is divided into three categories:
- Cardiac
- Smooth
- Skeletal
The following functions are performed by Muscular Tissue:
- It aids in motility and mobility.
- It helps to keep the bones and other components in place.
- Peristalsis and parturition are controlled by it.
- Nerve tissue: The peripheral and central nervous systems are made up of nerve tissue. It develops from the embryo's ectoderm. It is capable of initiating and transmitting nerve impulses.
Its main components are as follows:
- Neurons: Neurons are the structural and functional building blocks of the nervous system. It is made up of three parts: an axon, a cell body, and dendrites.
- Neuroglia: Neuroglia are brain and spinal cord cells that have specialised functions. Neurons and fibres are supported by them.
- Neurosecretory Cells: Neurosecretory cells serve as endocrine organs. Chemicals are released directly into the bloodstream by the axons.
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