write a short note on blue and green revilutuon.
green revolution is a process of increasing in crop production of grains by using artificial fertilizers, high yield crop varieties etc.
Blue Revolution refers to the time of intense growth in the worldwide aquaculture industry from the mid-1960s to present. The aquaculture industry has been growing at an average rate of nine-percent a year. Worldwide aquaculture production has now reached 50 million tons, up from two million in 1950.
Green revolution:
Green revolution is a process of increasing in crop production of grains by using artificial fertilizers, high yield crop varieties etc. White revolution: white revolution is a revolution made for increasing the production of milk which is also known as operation flood in india.
Blue revolution:
Blue revolution refers to the increase in the production of aquaculture(i.e production of all kinds aquatic animals like animals and plants occuring in marine and fresh waters etc).