Write a short note on "Dispersal of Water" and "Dispersal of Animals"
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Some seeds of plants which grow in water and water bodies are carried by the flowing water. Lotus seeds are spongy fruits, which float on water surface. Water helps in the dispersal of seeds. Seeds of some plants such as coconut have air trapped between their fibres which helps them to float and dispersed of water.
Seeds of some plants such as Xanthiun have hooks or spikes that stick to the skin of animals and are dispersed to distant places. Some seeds like cherry and guava are passed out undigested in the droppings of birds, animals and human beings. Sometimes, humans and animals eat fruits and throw the seeds away. These grow into new plants.
Some seeds of plants which grow in water and water bodies are carried by the flowing water. Lotus seeds are spongy fruits, which float on water surface. Water helps in the dispersal of seeds. Seeds of some plants such as coconut have air trapped between their fibres which helps them to float and dispersed of water.
Seeds of some plants such as Xanthiun have hooks or spikes that stick to the skin of animals and are dispersed to distant places. Some seeds like cherry and guava are passed out undigested in the droppings of birds, animals and human beings. Sometimes, humans and animals eat fruits and throw the seeds away. These grow into new plants.
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Seeds and fruits having structure favourable for floating are dispersed by water.
For example:
Seeds/ fruits of coconut ,lily ,are dispersed by water. Coconut trees grow near the shore. The fibrous fruit falls in water and is carried by water currents.
Seeds and fruits which dispersed by animals are either edible or have hooks, barbs, on their surface.
Such seeds stick to the skin of animals or clothes of human beings and are carried to distant places.
Fruits of Xanthium have hooks and spines on their body.
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