Write a short note on Features of Tarnetar Fair.
The famous ras, garba and hudo are features of the fair. The most thrilling site of all is the Kasada, the fascinating folk dance performed by hundreds of women moving gracefully in a single circle, dancing gaily to the accompaniment of four drum and jodjapava (double flutes).
Tarnitar Fair
Where: Tarnetar, Saurasthra, Gujarat
When: September 1-4, 2019
The Tarnetar Fair lets you free-fall into a whirlwind of colours, music and culture. The fair is a celebration of Gujarat’s ethnic features. With folk-dance, music, costumes and arts, forming a base, designed to bring together young tribal men and women seeking a spouse for a fun gathering. For visitors, the excitement and colours are captivating. Every year the popularity of the fair only seems to grow, attracting visitors from India and abroad.The many colourful costumes, glittering ornaments and free-spirited movements of folk dances, all combine to create a memorable scene. Watch the Rabari women of nearby Zalawad perform the famous circular folk dance called Rahado. Numerous religious music groups come together to create a festive ambience by singing continuously, accompanied by folk instruments. The Tarnetar Mela, staged on the last day, covers a large part of the Tarnetar village and features stalls retailing local handicraft, et ..