write a short note on importance time.
Time value is most important in life. Everyone has to respect and understand the time value because time can give the reaction of evil as well as good. Some persons understand the meaning and importance of life. Learn to enjoy every minute of your life.
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Time once lost is lost for ever. It can never be regained. It can never be captured. It is the most potent factor. Even the strongest and powerful monarchs have been helpless before time. Even they could not command time to stop. So, we should be careful about the importance of time. We should never waste it. We are successful in life only when we make the best use of time.
Time is the most influential factor in this world. It is abstract. Everything in this world is commanded and decided by time. Nobody can escape the hold of time. It is the time which gives us the opportunity to make use of it. Those who make best use of time and avail those opportunities grow and rise in life. Those who waste their time lag behind. They fail to make any mark in life. He is the wisest who makes the best use of time. He rises to the great heights who keep pace with the time.
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