Write a short note on jacobin club?
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jackobin club mainly belong the less prosperous section of the society and it leader robespierre took measures in order to remove discrimination from the society
1 churches were shutdown.
2 equality was sought
3 meat and bread was rationed .
4 maximum ceiling on wages and prices
1 churches were shutdown.
2 equality was sought
3 meat and bread was rationed .
4 maximum ceiling on wages and prices
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The Jacobin clubs was the most influential club of the French Revolution. This group was best recognized for its radical egalitarianism and brutality and followed the Revolutionary government in France. This club spread the idea of patriotism as the members of the club supported the Republican ideas, and advocated universal manhood suffrage, improved education and the detachment of church from the nation. The members of this group were against the dictatorship of the emperor. The Jacobin club put an end to the kingship in France. This action of the Jacobins led them to develop the idea of nationalism.
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